Sean Takes a Subtle Dig at LAist

Tuesday, March 22, 2005, at 03:01PM

By Eric Richardson

I don't think I've said this lately, but Sean Bonner is a funny guy. Take, for instance, this post on (which quotes from LABlogs, which quoted from LAist, which... oh, wait, that's all...). From the LAist:

"LAist was unsuspectingly whisked off to the wilds of Alhambra the other day for what was promised to be some of the best Chinese food in the city, taken under wing to Sam Woo BBQ by some folks who swear by this hole-in-the wall place for chowing down on some chow mein."

To which Sean replies:

I have say it's damn cool of someone to take everyone who writes for LAist out to eat and just want to put out there if someone is looking for another website full of bloggers to buy dinner for is always interested.

Dude. He just zinged the editorial "we"...

Good on him for also making a pass at how everything's so wonderful and new to the LAist singular collective, no matter how long ago others in the blogosphere caught on.