changing LA, 14 pages at a time
Tuesday, December 07, 2004, at 06:02PM
By Eric Richardson
So Bob Hertzberg's has linked to my blog a couple times now. If you're an LA person and you haven't seen Hertzberg's site yet you really should check it out just to see the great job his staff's doing with their newslinks. They're very comprehensive in rounding up what's going on in LA.
That said, though, I don't think that all too many people are reading. The five or six mentions I've gotten have led to a total of 15 click-throughs. I get far more referred traffic from Jim winstead's blog (with 47 referred visits last month... I know, I'm big-time, eh?). On the non-blog-side, the most referral traffic I'm getting right now (not counting search engines) is from, linking to my four year old senior english paper comparing visions of the future in the books Snow Crash and Brave New World.